Bonduelle - Euronext Paris
--- (Paris time)
Volume : -
Our Results
Our revenue in 2022-2023
Our recurring operating income in 2022-2023
Share of the reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions planned for 2035 - (absolute, scope 1-2, vs FY20)
The Bonduelle share
--- (Paris time)
Volume : -
In detail: the last share price in detailIntegrated report
Bonduelle is an economic player focused on a human-critical plant-based food supply. However, we also play a societal role for our customers, our partners and the local communities in our regions of operation. In our Integrated Report, learn about this aspect of the Group and our commitment to the food, agro-ecological and socioeconomic transition.
Get to know us better
Latest regulated information and publications
Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights 2024.08.31
The Bonduelle Group announces plans to sell its packages salad business in France and Germany
Monthly report voting rights as from 31st July 2024
2023-2024 Fiscal Year Revenue
2023-2024 Fiscal Year Revenue
Half Year statement on liquidity agreement - HY2 2023-2024
Monthly disclosure of voting rights and shares 2024.06.30
Monthly disclosure of voting rights and shares 2024.05.31
Monthly disclosure of voting rights and shares 2024.04.30
Quarter 3 FY 2023-2024 Revenue
Monthly disclosure of voting rights and shares 2024.03.31
Monthly disclosure of voting rights and shares 2024.02.29
Statement of availability of HY 23-24 Financial report
Semestrial financial report at 31.12.2023
2023-2024 First Half Year Financial Results
Monthly disclosure of the number of shares and voting rights 2024.01.31
2023-2024 First Half Year Revenue
Half Year statement on liquidity agreement - S1 2023-2024
Monthly disclosure of the shares and voting rights 2023.12.31
Final quorum